Building a Love of Nature

Forming an attachment to nature can start as simple as getting kids outside. Children need to spend time outdoors in order to build a relationship with it. It’s a lot easier to care for something you love, enjoy, and appreciate. We don’t want children afraid of the outside or to develop an eco-anxiety, like Ecophobia. Instead, we should show children why and how to love the biosphere by becoming an environmental steward. Our future generations depend on it!

The Role of an Environmental Steward

  • Preserve natural environments through conservation and sustainable practices.

  • Cherish and preserve the resources our world provides.

  • Understand how results from actions can affect the Earth, and the people and animals near and far.

Wearing the Stewardship Badge

The above description sounds like a big task. But helping the environment can be ridiculously easy, and oftentimes involves small lifestyle adjustments that can yield big results. Here is a list of simple things for you and your family to consider.

  • Start a garden and grow your own vegetables.

  • Have your children help with the recycling.

  • Use reusable water bottles and straws to reduce plastic consumption.

  • Plant a pollinator garden to foster biodiversity in your area.

  • Participate in the zero-waste challenge.

  • To get detailed descriptions or for additional ideas, visit

Help PWR Create Awareness

Our mission at Project Wild Rooted is to create rich experiences, spark life-long learners and create tomorrow's innovators who have a deep appreciation for the natural world around them. Our camps and workshops embed activities that give kids the opportunity to connect and care for the environment. We also fight against the rise of nature-deficient disorder by showing children the benefits of outdoor play.

Whether kids are learning through play or through projects, campers always leave with their arms full of creations after a morning at PWR. Below are some of the activities campers will look forward to during the April’s Becoming Stewards of the Earth Camp.

Explore the world around us through all of our senses.

  • Promote biodiversity by creating Bug Hotels out of old pop bottles.

  • Learn about recycling practices through fun, fast paced games.

  • Create upcycled art projects.

  • Participate in sustainability practices by planting trees.

  • Encourage nurturing behaviors by bringing home seed bombs and a potted plant.


Plan, Prep, Prepare


The Spark that Fueled our Fire